Retail IT Connect 2025

June 10 - 11, 2025

Twickenham Stadium

Matt Arnull

Head of Enterprise Architecture Arcadia Group

Currently focused on my role as Head of Enterprise Architecture for Arcadia. This has involved developing a new Enterprise capability for the Group, and now also includes responsibilities for leading IT Security, Integration and Collaboration across the group. Not really someone who fits neatly into one box, I have had the privilege of being involved in some of the most exciting and innovative transformation programmes across hospitality, retail and logistics. Over this time I've covered everything from creating and managing digital competency centres for billion pound websites (Argos), to driving multi-million pound development programs, digital innovation programmes, and more recently, developing Enterprise-level architecture and technical roadmaps within both Hospitality and Retail. Through these roles I've gained considerable experience of working at board level with both IT and business strategies for large retail and hospitality companies, working to drive both IT and Business Transformation programmes. A cornerstone of all of this has been developing high performing teams, exploring and implementing development methodologies and operating processes and maintaining strong supplier partnerships - often at the cutting edge of the respective industries. Increasingly my role has become focused on driving change within organisations, both from a Technology perspective (IT transformations, development of Architecture and Security capabilities) and as part of wider Business Transformations, working to form the bridge between technology and business strategy and change. 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Matt.

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